Wednesday, 22 July 2015

UNOH News - July 2015

Jon has become a talented writer. He is able to create a picture in the reader's mind so that they are transported into the story he is telling about - and those stories are true, raw and indicative of real life in the area that Jon, Lisa and the girls live.

Jon sends out a Huddle newsletter most week's - the last 5 of which will be shown on this post and updated as they come in. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

And remember to subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the top right hand corner of this page - new posts will be delivered direct to your Inbox!

July 22 - Living Faith, Patience & Humility ...

July 15 - A Gift & an Invitation ...

June 24 - Being the Change ...

June 10 - There Price of Privilege

May 27 - A Chance for Some Change ...

May 13 - Getting Back into It ...

May 6 - My Struggle with Struggle Street

Latest Prayer & Praise Points!

Praise The Lord:

For Bidwill Church being such a wonderful place of joy and life.
For the opportunities that teaching scripture is opening up.
For our Local Leaders Group - BiL (Believing in Leading) is planning to start a youth group this term!
That Jaz is in full time work

Please Pray:

For Kshama and her anxiety - thank God that she has had a great week, but school starts Monday…
That BiL’s Youth Club will happen, and a local venue will be available. 
Also for wisdom as opportunities for chaplaincy arise in the local schools.
For a few of us as we pray through the idea of a men's bible study group connected with the Church.

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

May Prayers

Let's join with the Owens and the rest of the UNOH community in prayer.

Please pray:

- for our local scripture teaching team
- for Kiera's health as she recovers from three weeks of sickness 
- for Bidwill Church to continue to grow
- for wisdom to repsond to the media and for the people we disciple as they face scorn over “Struggle Street"

Please praise God:

- for church plant having harmony
- for Jon getting some time to recharge at a ministers retreat
- for Lisa’s great health

Yours in Christ, Jon and Lisa Owen

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

UNOH Update - March 2015

Jon has become a talented writer. He is able to create a picture in the reader's mind so that they are transported into the story he is telling about - and those stories are true, raw and indicative of real life in the area that Jon, Lisa and the girls live.

Jon sends out a Huddle newsletter most week's - the last 5 of which will be shown on this post and updated as they come in. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

And remember to subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the top right hand corner of this page - new posts will be delivered direct to your Inbox!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

UNOH Update - Feb 2015

Jon has become a talented writer. He is able to create a picture in the reader's mind so that they are transported into the story he is telling about - and those stories are true, raw and indicative of real life in the area that Jon, Lisa and the girls live.

Jon sends out a Huddle newsletter most week's - the last 5 of which will be shown on this post and updated as they come in. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

And remember to subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the top right hand corner of this page - new posts will be delivered direct to your Inbox!

Lisa & Jon have also provided to following prayer points so that we can join with them -

Please join us in thanking the Lord:

This is a huge week in Bidwill!
  • This week our local shops re-opened for the first time in 17 years.
  • We got approved to teach Scripture at the local high school (also for the first time in over a 15 years). 
  • We launched our young leaders discipleship program on Monday night and had 12 leaders turn up.
  • We launch our Church Worship Service in Bidwill this Sunday.
  • Kshama has started high school well - please pray that she will feel comfortable being herself there. She is trying on a "funny kid" persona which is taking up a lot of her energy
  • Thank God for Lisa's improving health
  • God is working in the community.

Please pray:

  • For our young leaders to continue int heir passions and faith
  • For the service this Sunday to begin well

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

UNOH Update - November 2014

Jon has become a talented writer. He is able to create a picture in the reader's mind so that they are transported into the story he is telling about - and those stories are true, raw and indicative of real life in the area that Jon, Lisa and the girls live.

Jon sends out a Huddle newsletter most week's - the last 5 of which will be shown on this post and updated as they come in. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

And remember to subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the top right hand corner of this page - new posts will be delivered direct to your Inbox!

Jon has also provided to following prayer points so that we can join with them -

My apologies that it has been a few weeks since our last update.

Lisa continues to rest and recover and she is making slow, but steady progress. She has had some huge insights lately into the nature of self care and it's necessity in ministry. This is a huge insight.

Praise The Lord:

For Lisa Blunden who has taken the role of Team leading over from me - this has been a huge burden released from my shoulders and gives me more space to support my family. Thank God for her and the role she is doing.

That Lisa Owen is reconnecting with God in new ways (outside of a spirituality of engagement).

That Lisa's health is improving.

That local ministry is still continuing with remaining team and beautiful things are still happening through them.

 Please pray:

For wisdom and strength for Lisa Blunden was she leads the local team.

For the local Bidwill team as they continue to minister in our absence, please pray for strength and blessing for them.

For continued recovery for Lisa.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

UNOH Update - September 2014

Jon has become a talented writer. He is able to create a picture in the reader's mind so that they are transported into the story he is telling about - and those stories are true, raw and indicative of real life in the area that Jon, Lisa and the girls live.

Jon sends out a Huddle newsletter most week's - the last 5 of which will be shown on this post and updated as they come in. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

And remember to subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the top right hand corner of this page - new posts will be delivered direct to your Inbox!

Jon has also provided to following prayer points so that we can join with them -

Thank you for standing with us in prayer. As many of you know this has been a season of poor health for Lisa. We thank you for your prayers and beautiful messages and expressions of love and solidarity from emails through to bringing meals over. Lisa is transitioning between medications for depression and anxiety. She is on a fortnights leave and I am trying to stay close to home to be with her if needed. The girls have spent a week with their grandparents.

Please pray that we will have the faith and patience to make it through this time. We are looking at ECT at this time as well, which from all reports, seems effective this far. 

Praise The Lord:

For the slow process of healing. 

For deepening connections at this time as we share not only in the joys of the neighbourhood but they also share our pain and extend love to us in beautiful ways.

That we were able to celebrate with neighbours at a BBQ that Kshama decided to put on. 

For God raising up leaders from within our team and for depeening love between team members. 

Pray for me (Jon) as I lead while going through pain - I am afraid I'm going to upset people, pray that if I do I will have insight. Proverbs 4:7 - The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight...

Please Pray:

For today's meeting about a church plant to bring harmony between different groups ministering in the community. 

For God to build a team for teaching High School Scripture. 

For neighbours who just found out that their daughter has a terminal condition - this Sunday we are dedicating her - they have decided that they want this time to bring them closer to God, as they are seeing more of God's work and feeling more of God's love at this time, rather than less. They have invited Lisa and I to pray a blessing over her and the family. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Delivery Help Needed

One or more Connect groups are donating money to purchase two boxes of fruit and vegetables for use by UNOH. They are used to either distribute to families who can benefit from them or for use in cooking classes designed to teach good nutrition.

Some generous souls have been collecting these boxes each fortnight and delivering them to an address in Bidwell. However, due to changes in the family routine, this is no longer possible. So we need someone else to take over this responsibility.

The job involves -

1. Picking up the two boxes each fortnight between 5 & 6pm on Friday afternoon from a home address in Vineyard.

2. Delivering them to a home address in Bidwell on Friday night or Saturday.

3. This needs to start on Friday September 26 (or thereabouts) 

If you are interested in being of service to UNOH in this way, please email Gretl.